Predictions - Please see April Archives

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Genius Maker #15

TB keeps winning and Boston seems to win all their games by one run…but at least the Yankees bounced back from their first 2 game losing streak in excellent fashion. Andy Pettitte has been pitching as well as I have ever seen him. I said it after his last outing and I can say the same this outing, he has been outstanding. He is all over the corners of the plate, but he is mixing his speeds, height and location of the plate with as much precision as I have ever seen from him. This is also a surprise for me as many of you know I didn’t expect an ERA from Andy to be anything other than average at best last year and he surprised me. This year, my expectation was not any different and he has been amazing. I can only hope he stays healthy and can take this into the rest of the year and the postseason. Great job Andy!

The story of this game was some very clutch 2 out hits. Cervelli had the really big one to get us started by knocking in 2 runs with 2 outs; Jeter followed by knocking in another. Later in the game after a leadoff triple by Gardner, Texiera and ARod failed to get Gardner home, but Cano came through with a clutch 2 out hit and after a few wild pitches/passed balls Swisher added another 2 out hit.

Gardner batted 2nd and had 3 hits!

Girardi correctly took out Andy and brought in Marte with some lefties up and Marte finished up the 7-1 victory!

Time to win the series today!

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