I tried to watch the rest of the game and because the game was on 9 I didn’t have enough recorded to get past the 1st batter in the 8th where Joba allowed a groundball that ARod threw a little wide and Tex was called off the bag by the ump. Not sure it was the right call and I saw an instant replay before my tape ran out, but it was not conclusive.
So, while taking lunch I watched the 9 am encore recording to find out the ending…
OK, the ARod error didn’t help Joba, but there is an amazing difference to Joba when he is throwing 92 or 95. I think even his confidence to throw strikes is lessened. Now, the other day I stated that the 8th is Joba’s inning, but that does not hold water when a guy is not throwing well…
Score now tied going into the 9th…
Rivera should start the 9th so I have no issue on that. I have a huge issue with the ump not ringing up Macdonald, that was a no doubt strike 3 (and please don’t bring up the Pedroia play from before because strike 2 was borderline low, strike 3 was a as much a no doubter as this one). The ump was fooled because he thought the batter was going to swing (which the replay showed he might have as well), but the ump screwed us there. So instead of 2 outs and nobody on, Macdonald is on 1st with 1 out and moves to 2nd on a horrible play by Thames on a popup. I would have liked to have seen Cano be aggressive there and call for the ball, but he didn’t and once Thames called it is all his…in this case to screw up. Then Rivera was not sharp again…I am worried because even though his numbers were great, I have not felt he has been that good this year. As I said in earlier blogs, he will have more inconsistent outings and unfortunately we just saw 2 of them…although the ump and Thames made a huge difference and it is hard to blame him too much.
After Scutaro gave us life in the 9th on his 2nd error, Cano gave us a lot of hope as he doubled and now the Yanks were down by one. Here is where I had issues. Cervelli is batting 6th (kind of surprising) and while he is a great bunter, I want 3 cracks to score the run, especially with Thames on deck who is a strike out guy. With the corners far in, I would have had Cervelli hit away. After Cervelli put down a great bunt Thames worked a walk so perhaps Joe was right in this case, but I still didn’t like giving away an out. Pinch running Pena was the right move. Miranda is up followed by Winn. My assumption is that Posada is available and Swisher, I guess can’t hit from the left side, so I was OK saving Posada for Winn as Miranda had a good day so far. With Papelbon’s slow move (high leg kick) I would try and get Pena moving right away as we can’t risk a DP and while Martinez has a decent arm, he has a slow release…unfortunately, Miranda took a quick strike. After Papelbon made a nice stab at Miranda’s grounder and everyone did their job (Pena went and Cano smartly retreated to 3rd). We had 2 outs and 2nd 3rd…with Winn up. Posada must be dead for him not to pinch hit in this spot??? I have taken about 30 minutes too watch and type this so I will eventually find out what happened but how is it possible Randy Winn bats in that spot? You can’t worry about your defense, you need to tie or win the game.
Joe has some explaining to do…oh and I wish he would have left CC in as he had 112 pitches and could have thrown another 15 in my eyes easily. If Hughes can throw 108 on opening day, CC could throw over 120 on this day.
If anyone has news about Posada not being available then please post on the site with comments
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