Glad to see the Yanks were able to win a game they should with Cc on the mound and the Yanks dominated the weak Seattle team 10-0. I would have liked a sweep but 2-3 isn’t bad.
Odd play at the plate where Posada made a very nice play on an in between hop at the plate, but must have not caught the ball clean so he decided to tag the runner without the ball; the ump called him out anyway! What I thought was funny was Kay and Singleton didn’t notice until later in the inning when someone must have told Kay about it because he then brought it up. Kind of amazing they didn’t catch that on their own. Of course, the obligatory praising of Swisher’s arm came up next even though he was shallow and still through a little up the 1st base line and didn’t reach Posada on a fly…and also if Gutierrez wouldn’t have done the stupid slide (slide past the base and then tag with the hand) the Yankees do he would have been safe at the plate if he would have slid straight in hard. He also hesitated briefly because his 3rd base coach held him up.
CC was dominant and Cano continues to be great with a 6 RBI day (grand slam).
Kearns has done a good job for us. I didn’t think he addressed our hitting a lefty need and long term he probably won’t (anyone can get hot or cold), but he has helped us with Gardner struggling of late and Granderson’s inability to hit lefties. Kearns is a good 4th OF who can play against both sides evenly so he can give anyone a rest, but I prefer matchup guys on the Yanks. Again, sometimes we get guys who do nothing and Kearns so far has an OPS above .900 so he has been very good and I hope he keeps it up.
Nunez was brought up and has been playing with ARod on the DL. I haven’t seen much of him yet, but at the plate he seems to have a slight hesitation in his swing and then insides out the ball a little like Jeter. I think Long will work on getting rid of that little hitch otherwise plus fastballs will eat him up or make him cheat and then be susceptible to the breaking ball. As it is now, he won’t have very much power. The Yanks are pretty high on him…I assume he is a good fielder, but have not seen enough to make any judgments. His peripheral numbers look decent, but that can be misleading. He is 23.
Nova (our minor leaguer) is pitching for us tomorrow. He is also 23 and appeared for 3 innings earlier in the year. He has the standard 4 pitches, fastball, curve, slider and change and each one is decent. I am interested to see how he looks.
Crazy stat – the Yanks are 12-0 with ARod out of the lineup. The opposite was true in years past where the Yanks were below .500. It surely isn’t because the guys replacing him are doing anything because Pena has not played well and neither did Russo…just an odd stat.
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