Predictions - Please see April Archives

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Genius Maker #14

This was simply an awful hitting performance and plan last night. The Yankees were incredibly impatient all night. I think the team swung at every 2-0 pitch all night and did nothing with it. They would swing at a good pitchers pitches (and many times balls) on 2-0. Two AB’s highlighted the lack of patience…one was in the 7th and Cano getting up with 2 guys on base and he proceeded to swing at 4 straight pitches (3 were balls). He had that mind set I mentioned yesterday where he was going to swing no matter what. The other was in the 9th inning, Granderson leads off the 9th with a single and then we had Tex, ARod and Cano up. Tex gets a 2-0 count on him and then swings at the 2-0 pitch and hits in to a DP. Now I recognize that you can’t let a lot of hittable pitches go, but the guy was a little wild and even at 2-1 Tex would still be in the driver’s seat. I also know that Tex can tie up the game very easily, but I also know that the pitcher was brought into the game in the 8th inning and with ARod and Cano coming up I want this guy to work and take advantage of his mistakes. VERY frustrating.

BTW, Burnett pitched well, but Chicago didn’t hit well either. I think letting up the extra run in the 8th hurt the team as well. Soriano and Jeter deserve blame on a pop up that fell behind the pitchers mound. Soriano just gave up and expected Jeter to catch the ball and being lazy he deserves blame, but Jeter also took a step back first and then ran in hard and couldn’t make the play. Bad read by Jeter and lazy play on Soriano and it cost us. So far Soriano has not been good.

Granderson misplayed a ball for the other run. Chicago scored when he didn’t get a good jump and then made the play worse by diving for it and not knocking it down. He had no chance to catch it and he should have made sure the ball did not get beyond him; if he did Chicago would have not scored that run.

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