Predictions - Please see April Archives

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Genius Maker #18

Games like last night are the ones where my philosophy of getting the better players to the top of the lineup would have made a difference. I also said that the sooner the Yankees drop Jeter from the top, the better the team will do. While Jeter and Swisher failed yesterday so did ARod and Tex in big spots as well. Early in the game, the Yankees had bases loaded and nobody out with Tex and ARod up and the two of them made 3 outs and we didn’t score. In the 8th inning the Yankees got a gift with Dotel walking 2 straight guys and loading the bases for Jeter. Jeter missed a very hittable pitch and then expanded the strike zone and swung at a pitch that was high to strike out. Then Swisher feebly grounded out on the first pitch he saw.

When you lose 5-3 it hurts a lot, but what do you expect when you have two players with such poor numbers batting 1 and 2?

Other quick notes:

Cano had a phenomenal day at the plate working 2 walks and hitting 2 laser beam homer runs

Gardner looked a lot better at the plate as well and deserves to be at the top against righties (he and Jeter should swap spots in a leadoff/9th place platoon as the first step in removing Jeter.

I would like to see Nunez get some shots against righties for Jeter.

Andrew Jones looked bad last night

Chavez has cooled off and now has a .776 OPS

OPS from the bottom
Jeter .604
Posada .622
Swisher .631
Gardner .645
A. Jones .759
Chavez .776
Tex .932
Granderson ..955
Martin .958
Cano .982
ARod 1.016

BTW, Garcia really struggled all day with his control but he battled and kept us in the game; it was a good sign. If the offense were playing up to potential we would have a few more wins.

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