Predictions - Please see April Archives

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Genius Maker #4

My quote when Girardi took out CC was "WTF is he doing?" CC had retired about 17 guys in a row for crying out loud. The one thing you don't want to do is give the other team some life with a new pitcher, no matter who he was. When Girardi put Soriano out there, my thought was why waste Soriano after he pitched yesterday? Wait until you need him. The fact Soriano had no control is not the issue, one would still expect him to do better than he did, but a guy who was a closer is not used to getting into a 4 run game and probably wasn;t even prepared. in fact, he was throwing 88-89 for the first few hitters before getting up to 92 for the last 2. I hated the way Girardi managed this and it cost them this game.

I would have let CC stay in there until at least 110 and I would have let him throw 115 if he didn't allow a baserunner. You have 6 outs to go, you get as many of those as you can; there was absolutely NO reason to take him out. I am sure Girardi will say with Soriano and Mo he wasn't concerned, but you don't remove the hot hand to hope someone else is on. Joe was really bad last postseason; he better getting his act in gear because this loss was on him (Soriano, Robertson and Logan deserve some blame too).

At least the Genius Maker looked sharp and Tex did it again.

BTW, I thought the ump behind home plate and the check swing calls were really good tonight; very consistent. In Fact, we get the benefit of only 3 calls to their 2 in my opinion; that is an awesome job.


  1. I wonder what Mike Harkey's responsibility is. Should a bullpen coach be expected to know whether bullpen pitcher is ready to picth?

  2. The answer is yes, but, he doesn't know Soriano either. the book on Soriano is that he doesn't like to pitch in less leveraged situations. My take is CC should have stayed in as the Yankees stated he was on a 115 pitch limit in game 1 and this was his 2nd game. Once they made the wrong decision to take him out, I would have brought in Robertson to start the 8th and then see how it went with Logan and Soriano ready. With a 4 run lead entering the 9th, I might stay with Robertson,Ayala, or Logan or go right to Soriano. Girardi played this wrong. The rain out was fortunate
