Predictions - Please see April Archives

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Genius Maker #7

So CC struggling every inning (bit getting through it) gets sent back out for the 6th inning with only 5 less pitches than when he was taken out after getting 17 out in a row? So when you are pitching great you will come out but when you are struggling Girardi lets you work it out? Good logic Joe. I guess throwing 118 pitches wasn’t that big a deal after all. Girardi is so inconsistent.

Fortunately, Joba was able to get Youklis out with the bases juiced; whew.

Then Joba screwed up by walking two guys and with the bases loaded and 1 out I really hated that on a 1-0 pitch they threw Scutaro a fastball. I was fine with throwing a breaking ball (curve would have been my call), but he gave in and threw a fastball that Scutaro was 100% sitting on. The Yankees should have known better as that is Scutaro’s MO. At least the Yanks were smart enough to walk Pedrioa to set a force at every base and pitch Logan to Gonzalez to give the team a little chance for a comeback.

This was the worst umpiring I have seen in some time. This ump made an enormous difference with very poor calls with 90% all going against the Yanks. It continued to the 9th inning where Gardner struck out on a pitch that was well outside and Tex struck out on a pitch that was very low and very outside; it was one of the worst strike out calls you will see; the ump just wanted to go home.

That being said Beckett really threw well. That really sucks because I was hoping Beckett was just starting his decline :^) Unfortunately, this was a big win for Boston.

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