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Friday, May 13, 2011

The Genius Maker #23

After one of the ugliest games you can see on Thursday night, the Yankees tried to turn the page toward the Red Sox.

I saw a game that was really frustrating (for me) because of very poor pitch selection from Martin and the pitchers. There were many times that Colon had an 0-2 count where the pitch thrown was not the one I would have thrown. I really felt Martin did a poor job and even with Pedroia up and Ellsbury on first (when Joba was incorrectly brought in by Girardi after yet another poor pitch selection on an 0-2 count) the fastball was a catchers selfish pitch rather than the one to get the batter out and Dustin just hit the ball where Cano wasn’t. Man, that was a long sentence…Anyway, I was very frustrated by that and I also did not like taking Colon out in that spot. I felt he was still throwing well and I would have given him at least one more batter.

BTW, the pitch that was hit for a HR by Youklis was another very bad pitch selection as the slider was the pitch to throw. Oh and while I pile on, the sac fly to Gonzalez with 2 strikes was also a very poor pitch selection as the slider was most definitely the pitch to throw as he just was not seeing it well (really dumb).

The Yanks tried to come back, but Tex had trouble getting on top of good fastballs on at least 2 occasions, Swisher couldn’t stop swinging at balls and Posada took too many pitches before grounding out.

Just another tough loss with a lot of “if only’s.” Some better pitch selection and we win this game without question in my mind. Martin did hit a 2 run homer, but I am looking at the mistakes. Time to move on and get the win tomorrow.

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