Predictions - Please see April Archives

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Genius Maker #26

Monday night’s game was just another disaster as the Yanks gave up a 5-1 lead in route to a 6-5 loss. After Burnett gave back 3 runs and the score was 5-4 it seemed taking out Burnett was a decent idea. A runner was on 1st base and Burnett had just thrown his 2nd wild pitch (to the screen)of the inning, I would have yanked him in the middle of the AB. Of course, Girardi did not and a 2 run homer later the game was lost. This is not CC, this is Burnett and at 33 years old this is the exact type of behavior you should be looking for. The managers job is to put the team in the best position to win...Girardi did not do that.

Tuesday night was the opposite…ARod hit 2 homers and the Yanks took down TB 6-2. The Yanks also had Dickerson play RF (the 29 year old who is a 4th OF'r type) and he had a hit…at least some production from RF.

Here is an interesting stat…most people think Posada should retire…but do you know after his 2 hit day, his OPS is .656 compared to Swisher's .640 and Jeter's .619!

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