Predictions - Please see April Archives

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Yankees Clinch the playoffs and then the Division

2 Goals are complete! Only the best record in the AL is still out there, but we are looking good for that. Some people have talked about losing to TB so that Boston does not make it. My feeling is that you keep the pedal down while you can and until you have clinched home field throughout, but I do admit that tonight I wouldn’t waste my best relievers.

I have had a lot of issues with Girardi and honestly I think he should have left Robertson to pitch the 9th after throwing only 1 pitch in the 8th, but he pushed all the right buttons in the 8th inning countering every move made by Maddon and our guys all came through. Obviously, Posada getting the big hit was really cool for him. After taking a changeup on the first pitch he got a tailing fastball that came back over the plate and ripped it into RC for the game winning runs!

CC pitched well and was throwing hard, but I did question letting him throw 127 pitches. His change was a little better than it has been and that helped. I would still like to see the change at about 86-87 instead of 88 though.

In the first game, also a 4-2 win, (which I was at with my son for his first Yankee game – it was a blast) the Yankees came back with 3 in the 8th. The Yanks used 8 pitchers which I would imagine is the most for the year? Nunez hit the ball very hard all day and had a big HR to tie the game and then Cano came through with a big double that he lined over the head of Upton (who seems like a lazy player to me).
Other notes: Montero has hit all 3 of his HR’s against righties, but he is really struggling badly against them as the off speed stuff is really confusing him. The change in particular seems like a pitch he is not picking up. Pinch hitting against the righty with Posada was the correct move by Joe, but if Montero had good AB’s previously, I would have let him hit. These next games will really decide on who makes the post season roster. The 2nd lefty in the pen may be a big choice and it would be great if Laffey or Valdez was good enough, but I am not so sure. I also would like a roster spot for some speed, whether that is Golson or Dickerson who might actually help against a tough lefty one must make the lineup. I will review the lineup I would bring a little later…

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