This is just a quick add on to the real post below...
Two items; I heard that Brett Gardner is taking live batting practice and he may not be used just as a pinch runner and defensive guy, he might be able to hit as well. Just being on the roster to help with defense and running I feel is worth it so if he can hit a little, that would be big as well. As you know, I feel we have missed him dramatically. Just look at this hot tear Ichiro has been on and how much it helps the imagine a better defensive player as well (but not as hot as a hitter).
Also, I never pointed out the terrible job by Robby Thompson once again. In the extra inning game on Saturday, Robby sent ARod home with one out and their OF'r made a way off line throw; the catcher caught the ball and had to scramble back to the plate to apply the tag and was just late in tagging out ARod. The guy is simply incompetent at 3rd base and has terrible judgment. If that throw were a little off line ARod would have been can't send people like that! In all my years of watching I don;t believe I have ever been so critical so long about any 3rd base coach. We used to call him Randolph, wave him home Willy, but he was not nearly as bad. I did compliment Larry Bowa as I thought he was one of the best we ever had and I was critical of Girardi for not retaining him. The part I don't get is nobody else seems to ever talk about it?
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