Predictions - Please see April Archives

Monday, October 1, 2012


Great comeback Sunday!  I was starting to feel like we would be 1 game back after being down 5-1 and Hughes looking awful.  However, we fought back well and stayed tied.  Hughes had nothing and I thought Girardi should have pulled him one batter sooner.  When Hughes is throwing 90-91 and he doesn’t have a good breaking ball, he is in trouble.

Cano swung the bat well and that was good to see.  Jeter got a bunch of cheap hits, but they were important.  I am also psyched to have Gardner back.  I don’t understand why they wouldn’t let him bat and bunt, but I would rather leave him in the game for defense and let him stand there and take 3-4 pitches and strike out.

Tex is supposed to be back tonight!

Important note about tie breaking for the playoffs.  This link is crazy with all the permutations, but if we end up with the same record as Baltimore, we play them in a playoff game to find out who wins the division.  I think this is handled very poorly as H2H record should be used and if that is a tie, use divisional record.  Imagine playing this game and losing and then having to play in the WC playoffs which could be a few games if more than 2 teams are tied?

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