Predictions - Please see April Archives

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Game 3 against Baltimore

So Much for being undefeated after 7 innings!    WOW!!!  A guy hits a pinch hit solo homer to tie the game and then gets up again and homers to win it!  Amazing.  Regardless of how mediocre he was during the season, Ibanez was amazingly clutch (again) and almost single handedly won the game (have to give credit to the pitchers too)

Finally, outside of batting ARod 3rd (he shouldn’t have), you have to give Girardi credit for making the move benching ARod and putting Ibanez in.  Also, a very big play was the positioning of Nix on the line drive off Soriano that would have given Baltimore the lead…and instead turned into a DP to end the inning. 

Robertson was very sharp and I agreed with all the pitching decisions.  Robertson should have gotten out of the way of the popup but Tex should not have looked at the others and should have just called them off from the beginning.

Ichiro was 0-5 and Granderson has been awful and is far more lost than anyone.  The issue is that Granderson could homer at any time.  However, Saunders is pitching for Baltimore and lefties are usually shut down by him and righties hit him well.  Gardner would be an interesting play, but I doubt Joe makes that move.  ARod should play tomorrow, he should not be benched.

I would try something odd with the lineup tomorrow.  I am not sure if Jeter can play, but assuming he could play, I would drop Ichiro to 9th and I might consider batting ARod 2nd (just a hunch).  If that is too much to ask I would bat Swisher 2nd and Tex 3rd, then Cano and ARod.  ARod hits more like a #2 guy anyway and normally has good bat control.   One other odd choice could be to play Nunez or Nix in the OF against the tough lefty and bench Grandy.  I doubt that would happen.  I gave you some scenarios but if I were making the lineup I would bat Swisher 2nd and ARod 5th.   I would DH Nunez and Nix plays if Jeter can’t.  WE haven’t been hitting so throwing righties at Saunders may be the ticket.  BTW, Gardner is 6-7 against lefties this year…yeah that was surprising.

 Great job by Ibanez!!!

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