Predictions - Please see April Archives

Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31

This was put together before the Red Sox game.  I will update the Red Sox game in the morning

Everyone relax, we just got swept by a crappy team, but these are the least important games of the year…bragging rights are for losers!  Let the Mets fans get their only enjoyment of the year…outside of watching their phenom pitcher; he really was worth the price of admission.  4 pitches and they are all good and he seems able to locate all of them well and throw at anytime.  I was very impressed, especially coming throwing back to back breaking balls in on Cano’s hands and the 2nd one Cano bit on.

Outside of that, big picture, I would have signed up and been thrilled to be 30-23 with the injuries we have had.  Seriously, this team was banged up as bad as or worse than the Red Sox last year and the Sox folded; we have hung tough.

I do have some issues with the team in general.  First, with a team that is struggling and playing against a team that has a very weak offense, when you have 1st and 2nd with nobody out with no score how about bunting???  Twice we had that situation and twice we didn’t bunt and twice we didn’t score.

This team did not walk for 3 straight games; not coincidentally, we barely scored any runs.  That is pathetic and why I have trouble with guys like Ichiro in the lineup.  It is bad enough when Wells doesn’t walk much and swings at the first pitch a lot (as does Ichiro) and when you add all the poor players (Nix, Stewart/Romine, and whoever is at SS) the offense is anemic.  I like a team that works the count and gets into the middle relief early in a game.  This team let’s starters go deep because of so many first pitch strikes and no walking.

Joba – Very impressed with him.  I know his numbers are not good right now, but he is coming into form very well.  The Yanks should sign him now so he is cheaper as I get the feeling he may be our closer if not our top setup guy.

Phelps – got crushed after taking one off his arm.  I think it was just one of those things and I feel he will be a solid back of the rotation guy

CC – He may not be the dominant force he was but he has plenty to be a solid top of the rotation guy.  If he can get his fastball just up a few clicks to 93 and be able to dial up to 94 once in a while he will be fine.  His curve and change are good.  When he is only throwing 90-91, though, everything is easier on the batter.  Hoping the warmer weather opens him up some.  Oh and I really wish he would cover first base on balls hit to the right side; it ticks me off that THREE times this year he just gave up outs because he was either lazy or not heads up.

Kuroda – has been great; I am more comfortable with him on the mound than anyone else

Pettitte – I would be fine if he continues at a 3.83 ERA.  It is not great, but it is hard to expect more…that being said, I would not be surprised if he gives us more…or if the age breaks him down. 

Hughes – Just not a huge fan, I hope I am wrong, but he just serves far too many fat pitches for my liking.  He doesn’t walk guys which I love, but he throws too many in the middle of the plate. 

Nova – His stuff his excellent, however, he simply can’t repeat his delivery frequently enough and he ends up throwing too many “Hughes” type pitches.  I think he has more upside than Hughes…I am in the minority in my opinion, but his stuff is simply better.  He is probably a starter, but with Joba back they may just put him in middle relief as he clearly won’t be an important option in the pen.

Joba, Robertson and Rivera closes games very well utilizing Logan as needed for a lefty situation.  UI still want a LOOGY to match up but I guess Joe doesn’t feel it is important (he is wrong).  Nuno has pitched pretty well but I get the impression he will be the first one sent down

Rivera blew the save against the Mets and while he didn’t get an out, it was a weak hit served out to LF and a broken bat to RF and a grounder up the middle.  He will be fine…and has been fine.  Will he go 18 of his next 19…I doubt it but this was just a one run save and this time he couldn’t get it…he has had a bunch and saved all of them before it.  He is not a worry at this point and I am thrilled to be able to say that.

Hitting – Hopefully Tex and Youk can step in and look good right away; this may be hard as they didn’t play too much, but I feel it helps us a lot against lefties and clearly deepens the lineup.

David Adams has looked pretty good at the plate, but c’mon, man, can you work a walk please?  No walks in 52 AB’s?  3 doubles and 2 HR’s is decent pop, but with no walks his OPS is only a weak .687.  That being said, it is better than Chris Stewart (.658) Ichiro and his .626 OPS, and Nix who is at .618.  Stewart is important as Romine (.279 OPS…yes OPS)  has not contributed at all at the plate with only 4 hits in 39 AB and amazingly not a single walk either (see a trend here?).  The Yanks minor league coaches should be embarrassed to see that.  The bench is further useless by having ben Francisco on it and his .402 OPS as well as Reid Brignac who is 1-17 since joining (he is at least our best defensive SS and that has some value).

On a positive note, Hafner has been doing what we expected and that was a mid .800 OPS (.844) and Brennen Boesch, who is really a DH has an .831 OPS.  I guess we need to start him some and bring in Ichiro for defense and maybe bench Wells against some tough righties.  Wells has cooled as expected, but still has been decent with an OPS of .755.  Overbay has also been decent with an OPS of .750, but has done a good job in key spots so far.  That may be just lucky, but he has helped in that role.  His OBP of .289 is poor though, but 21 extra base hits have given him some good unexpected pop.

Cervelli was playing at a level that was very unexpected, but man what a drop off offensively.  We are fortunate that Stewart is giving us a little more offense than we expected (anything above .620 OPS is good for him and he is at .658)  His receiving has not been as good as in the past nor his usually excellent throwing ability, but they may be just an anomaly.

Let’s see if we can get back in the win column and turn this around right away!

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