Predictions - Please see April Archives

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Let's Step Back and See Where We Are

After I get into observations of the west coast games, I will discuss "where we are and where we are going." 

I have recorded or watched almost every Yankee game.  I haven't missed 2 games in a row, but I did miss all 3 Oakland games (business travel); which might have been for the best.  It appears poor starting pitching and lackluster hitting brought us down.  But, the team rebounded nicely with 2 out of 3 against LA and a sweep of a weak Seattle team.

In LA, I want to focus on the 9th inning in the 2nd game.  Didi leads off and has a 3-1 count on him.  This is a good pitch to drive, but he decides to bunt down the 3rd base line.  Not sure I would do that on a 3-1 count, but I am 100% good with laying one down when they give you that much room and still am OK with doing it on a 3-1 count.  The problem was that it was ball 4 and he should have let it go (pulled the bat back).  Didi's (lack of) understanding of the strike zone has been his hitting issue all year and why he isn't walking more.  But getting back to the bunt, I think more players need to do that.  However, bunting with 2 strikes, especially on a 3-2 count was idiotic!  I heard that Boone said he didn't have a problem with it and while I know he is protecting his player (who made a bone head move), I don;t want Boone to fall into the Girardi disingenuous comments line of answering.  For Boone, it is OK to say that you like the idea of bunting there with 0 or one strike, but with a 3-2 count the odds are better to swing away (you don't need to use my choice of words (idiotic).

That out was a huge issue as the Yankees loaded up the bases with only that one out.  An important note here was that Gio grounded to 3rd and they tried to get the force out at 2nd base but Gardner barely beat the throw and took out the SS on the play.  While the SS was lying on the ground, Torres started to go home but the ump called time out.  Some people had said the ump should not have called time out on his own, but that was not accurate because the pitcher for LA called time out and at that moment Torres hadn't broken off of 3rd base and the ump called time out just after Torres broke.  I think the ump did the right thing with the player being down, but the issue was that Torres was on the bag and should have been off the bag as the player went down and then took off home immediately; either Torres, the 3rd base coach or both were sleeping over there.  If Torres would have started home the ump should not have granted time and we would have tied up the game.  Regardless, we have bases loaded and one out and should tie the game at least...Unfortunately, Tauchman had a bad AB and struck out on 3 straight pitches and then Sanchez barely does better with a 4 pitch strikeout.  Frustrating game.

After the pitching dual, we had German against Kershaw, both guys let up HR's in the first AB, German's was on the first pitch of the game.  German, went the next 18 outs without allowing a run and we pulled away 5-1.  My comment in this game surrounds Didi getting hit by a pitch.  I am not saying it was intentional, but I do want us to protect our players in a game that isn't a critical game and without putting the game in risk.  Didi was hit in the 1st inning with a fastball and it was on his throwing arm (an issue for him).  After a 1-0 lead, German should have thrown inside to the first batter - maybe hit him but at least one of those that backs him off the plate and if nothing else sends the message that this is your plate and/or you don't hit our players without us protecting them.  Instead he threw a fastball over the plate that was hit for  HR.   I bring this up because I was annoyed Didi got hit and I stated I wanted a very inside fastball as the first pitch of the game.  Plunking him would have been much more desirable.

Overall, 5-4 on the west coast was salvaged winning the last 4.

So let's take a look at where we are now:

We are tied with LA for the best record in baseball, only 1/2 a game ahead of Houston.  Home field matters because the Yankees have been very good at home (49-20); Houston has been great at home (51-16).

Overall, while we have had some performances that were unexpected (Gio, Tauchman, Maybin, Ford and even LeMahieu), our injuries have been absurd, our pitching has been below expectations and we are in a great spot.  The key is that we should be better!

The injured guys are all looking good to contribute this year.  It is more likely than not that we will be adding Voit (tomorrow), Stanton, EE, Hicks, Severino, Betances and even Montgomery has a shot.  I probably missed someone, but think about this for a moment; that is an enormous amount of talent.

It is hard to know whether Severino would be used out of the pen or not, and you don't for sure how quickly everyone will get up to speed, but it is very encouraging.

Think about our lineup against a lefty - order could be adjusted:

Rough Order:
2nd: DJ
RF: Judge
SS: Torres
LF: Stanton
DH: Voit (or EE)
C; Sanchez
1B: EE (or Voit)
3B: Gio
CF: Hicks

That is a sick lineup!

Big Maple
5th??? probably not used.  BTW, They were talking about Happ's issues and I disagree with them, I think while he has had fastball command issues, I think everything is off because he simply can't spot his changeup fading away on the lower outside corner.  When he is effective, he is nailing that corner with his changeup and everything else plays off that pitch.   While on pitchers, Green needs to stay on top of the zone with his fastball.  He gets hit when he gets it down.

The bullpen should be lights out with Betances back and CC could be used against a lefty or as a middle relief guy as I don't see him in the rotation for the playoffs.  I also like that Boone has started to use Ottavino more as a righty specialist instead of a full inning guy.  I think that is his best use even if he can give you more than a few batters.  With Betances, Kahnle, Britton and Chapman, we can easily finish the final 4 innings of a game and in a key game if we started Green, I think we could go with all good pitchers the entire way.  I could see Green going 2 and then matching up CC/Cessa/Ottavino to get another 2 and then you could easily get 5 innings out of Betances, Kahnle, Britton and Chapman, by riding the hot hand for 4 or 5 outs.  If it were an elimination game, each of those guys could throw 2 innings if needed

Bottom line - get your playoff plans in order!

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