Predictions - Please see April Archives

Friday, April 2, 2021

Game 1

 I hope everyone is safe and feeling well!

I didn't write too much in the offseason about some of the moves that were made, but I did give my opinions on the big ones.

The signing of Bruce gives me mixed emotions in that I want a big lefty bat, but more importantly one that crushes righties.  Last year Bruce did hit righties better than lefties in the very short year, but in the two previous years, he was pretty much even.  the odd thing is that the two previous years to that he was better against righties.  This makes it hard to predict, but he should be a little bit better against righties, have a low batting average guy with low OBP and good power.  He doesn't fit what I would want, but he should provide some big HR's and a lot of nothing outside of that.  Voit getting hurt is a blow to the team, but perhaps Bruce can give us some decent play in his absence?

On to Game 1

Tough to win games when you don't get a single hit with RISP, but we almost did it.   

A bunch of things I noticed, but it is one game and we shouldn't think we won't win a game this year based on the outcome.  This is an excellent team and I am extremely confident we will win the division.

  • I stated my opinion before, but I just don't think Torres is good enough defensively;y at SS.  This is the issue with signing DJ.  In the first inning, Torres went into the hole and came up empty on a ball that should have been fielded.  I am not sure if he could have thrown him out but I sure would have liked to see it be close at least.  Later he wasn't aggressive enough on a ball up the middle that took a bad hop but then he was not urgent enough and threw poorly to first and late.  The 2nd one should have been made.  I am hoping I am wrong, but I said it last year before it became popular and while it is only one game, it is a little like Sanchez behind the plate, we may see some improvement, but Torres is not going to be a good defensive SS IMO.
  • Cole was missing with his breaking balls most of the day and his terrible slider, basically on a tee, allowed the game to be tied.  Because it was game 1, cold and because he had thrown 87 pitches, I would not have had him warm up and come out for the 6th inning.  It wasn't a terrible decision, but I am not risking too much in game 1.  Unfortunately, the decision allowed him to throw that hanging slider.  It could have worked, but I don't see enough upside based on what I just wrote
  • It was good to see Sanchez get off to a good start with a HR, but Oneill needs to ease up on the importance of the hit and more importantly, call the pitch correct.  He kept referencing how important it was for Sanchez to stay back and to see him hit a changeup was great to see.  Unfortunately, it was a 91 MPH fastball but that didn't stop Paul from repeating it and then later on not admit his mistake, but to say "it wasn't the slowest changeup."  Later on, Michael Kay assuming Paul was right said Sanchez hit a changeup.  Sloppy
  • Urshela was opening up his front hip a lot on his swings
  • Hicks was waving weakly from all 3 right side appearances
  • In the 6th, Torres got 3 really good pitches to hit and fouled them off, but he did work a walk
  • On a Toronto strikeout, the batters backswing hit Sanchez on the glove hand and knocked the ball out.  That was not a big deal, but when they showed the replay, Sanchez was really close to the regular swing, and remember he has been called for more catcher interference than anyone.  That being said, he made an excellent throw from a one knee position to throw out an attempted steal. He was able to get up just enough and quick enough to get some leverage.  I am not a fan of one knee with guys on base and he still keeps his throwing hand open to foul tips (stupid), but give him credit as he blocked the balls he needed to and threw an excellent ball to 2nd.
  • I like the Oday signing, he is a great change of pace for the team and will be a solid contributor
  • The biggest AB of the game was Judge's.  In the 7th inning, we had bases loaded, 1 out, a 2-0 count and Judge ended up grounding into an inning-ending DP.  In the 9th, after a Sanchez walk, Boone did a good job pinch-running Tauchman (who stole 2nd), but the inning ended with Lemahieu (0-4) and Judge getting out with RISP.
  • I hate the extra-inning rule starting with a runner on 2nd base.  Cone said it best, he can't believe that rule stayed in but the DH got pushed aside.  I know the players union wanted expanded playoffs to allow the DH, but not expanding the playoffs, adding the DH and getting rid of the juvenile runner on 2nd rule would be the way to go IMO.  If every inning is started with nobody on base, why change the rules?  If you want to end the game then end in a tie, otherwise play one or two more innings NORMALLY or just play until the game ends.  The rule as it is now is a cheap way to win or lose.
Next game is Saturday afternoon!

Feel free to leave comments and I will try and address them.   

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