Friday, October 18, 2019

Was It Over When The German's Bombed Pearl Harbor?

Tonight's game was one of the worst performances by the Yankees all year!  I could go into AB after AB, but the same outcome happens every time when you simply can't center up pitches that are right over the heart of the plate.  Conversely, Houston took some of them deep.  Green had his worst outing centering pitches his entire performance and even getting some K's when they looked like us.

There were at least 10 times where I got excited when I saw a hanging pitch only to go "yeah" and then say "shoot," we missed that mistake.  And yes, it was not shoot.  This was not good pitching shutting down hitting, this was bad hitting!

If this were at almost any time during the season we would have put up 8-9 runs easily.  

To make it worse, the defense was atrocious.  Outside of the 4, yes, 4 errors, Didi should have caught the throw in from Judge that would have created a DP.  Sanchez didn't move his feet and allowed a wild pitch on a pitch he could have blocked if he used his chest protector instead of trying to glove it.  He also missed a fastball.  Even some of the plays we made were an adventure as Didi and Torres bounced a bunch to DJ at 1st.  The way we fielded some balls was awkward as well, Didi and Torres both fielded balls very, well, awkward was the right word.

Pretty disgusted right now that we have played so poorly, mostly the hitting, but the fielding was embarrassing.

We now have a huge uphill chore.  Our odds are about 10% and our offense needs to somehow flip the switch.  If there is one consolation, the guy who has looked awful, hit a HR last night, but with most of the lineup swinging like crap, 10% is about right.


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