Predictions - Please see April Archives

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Genius Maker Pre game 3 ALCS

We have played like a team that had a long lay off...CC looked like he hadn't pitched in 9 days as an example...Big picture, we did the minimum positive result and split on the road, we now need to win 2 of 3 at home and split on the road again. I do think we will win 2 of 3 on the road, but we need to hit better and of course our starters need to pitch better.

So far we have had one really good inning, but outside of that Texas has outplayed us.

That being said, we look like we can hit any reliever they have and this is with ARod and Tex really struggling, especially Tex. Posada is another who can play better.

This team has been very hard to predict, but I think we are an overall better team than Texas. One thing we need to do is get ahead of their leadoff hitter Adrus and keep him off the bases, so far we have not done that well. Texas also has not hit the off speed pitches well and we need to learn that. Finally, our bullpen has looked good and that is a big positive. Joba really threw well and would have gotten out of the man on 3rd with nobody out situation if the batter didn't get a fortunate stroke (even though he went with it) through the hole.

I don't think they pitched that well, I think we hit below expectations. I also think Texas batters hit above expectations which added to the poor command CC and Hughes had. I heard many people talk about the cutter messing up Hughes. I do know that when his cutter is good, it is very effective for Hughes. the problems was his command. that being said, the bigger problem was he should have thrown more change ups; I think he threw only 2 or 3 in the game.

I still don't get handcuffing us with only 1 lefty, but I guess I will have to deal with the stupidity.

BTW, I start both CC and Hughes on 3 days rest. No need to start Burnett when he has been the worst starting pitcher in the AL (true). Now, could he pitch well, sure, but that is a gamble not worth taking. I would rather gamble out of the pen with ONE batter at a time IF needed. CC threw 93 and Hughes threw 88 pitches. I think they will be fine.

If they need a starter that isn't CC, Hughes or Pettitte, I would also go with Moseley or Mitre before Burnett for the same reasons as above.

I still think the offense needs to be the offense that is the best in the league for us to win!

Looking forward to Monday night!


  1. The top of our order has been slumping, not just Tex and A-rod. Girardi tried to mix it up yesterday putting grandy in the #2 hole, but I think you keep swish #2, jeter #1, arod- #3, Cano- #4 (he has shown in the 1st two games that he has the power bat in our line-up) tex- #5. Leave 6-9 the way it is, (Thames, Posada, Granderson, Gardner.) Especially with Lee pitching, we're going to need BASERUNNERS!
    Let's go Yanks!!

  2. Thanks for the comment Jason. I agree that Cano could be moved up, but I doubt Girardi moves Tex out of his role. For one, ARod has been hitting righties better than lefties and Cano is a little better against righties also. Tex has been better against lefties. That being said, with Lee on the mound Swisher will be batting 2nd. With a righty on the mound, Jeter really shouldn't be batting 1st, but knowing Girardi, this won't change, I would consider batting Cano 2nd. This may seem odd (and won't happen), but the truth is you want your best hitters up as often as possible and Cano is our best hitter (this is also why I don't like Jeter in the leadoff spot against righties). Regardless, our lineup is good and we need to step it up!
