Predictions - Please see April Archives

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday morning

We are down to a best of 5 series where we play the 1st 3 games at home. This is a pretty good setup when you think of it that way. Of course we are starting our#3 pitcher and they get to start their #1, but let's see what Andy has in store for us. A perfect scenario is we beat Lee 2-1 so that he (and we) know Lee can pitch in Yankee stadium well (for our signing) yet we still win.

I also wanted to point out the Freddy "Sez" passed away this weekend. I have a picture to the right if you are not sure who he is. Freddy is the guy who walked around with a pan and a spoon and let all the kids take turns hitting it...kind of cool to watch. Not sure Freddie ranks up there with George or even Bob S, but he was an icon at the stadium for a very long time.

I assume if we win it all it will be for George and the rest, but if we lose, it will be forgotten.


  1. What a game Friday! Gerardi is doing something right - pysching out the opposition early on, letting them think they're going to win, then putting the hurt on late-game for a 6-5 victory. Fun to watch all the action! Go Yanks!!!!

  2. Unfortunately, Saturday was a really bad game. All you can do is play the games in front of us
