Predictions - Please see April Archives

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Genius Maker 6-25

I was watching the beginning of the game with my son and after Kuroda looked sharp in the top of the 1st and John Tomlin (The Cleveland pitcher) got an out, then a walk and then after 5 pitches to Tex (2-2) count I said to my son, “the Yanks will win this game!”  I continued, “They will score at least 5 runs and Kuroda won’t allow more than 3; I am extremely confident the Yanks will win this game.”  

There was more discussion about how early the game was but you could see right away Kuroda had sharp movement on his forkball and Tomlin was not going to make it through 5 innings as he threw so many pitches to the first 3 batters and he wasn’t missing bats (even if fouled off).

The Yanks cruised to a 7-1 victory mostly with Kuroda having an outstanding forkball that the Indians could not differentiate from his fastball.  They swung at a ton of balls in the dirt. 

The other hero was D. Wise who homered and tripled each for the first time this year!  The triple was really a double as he should have been called out which leads me to my next point.  This has happened a bunch of times this year where we score a run on a hit only to see a guy get thrown out (usually the batter) behind the runner.  Now, there are times where you want to ensure a run scores, but too many times we are out by a mile when the runner would have scored by a mile.  Robby Thompson needs to give the signal to the runner on 3rd and then quickly switch to holding the runner at 2nd and he does not do that.  Cano got thrown out at 3rd on a play in this game after knocking in a run.

Switching gears, I wanted to show this trend on ARod

ARod the last 6 years:
2007 – 1.067 OPS
2008 – .965
2009 – .934
2010 – .847
2011 – .823
2012 – .778
This is one of those progressions an older player has…He can reverse it, but maybe he is really slowing down? Bernie had a similar reduction in OPS with an uptick his last year at the age of 37.  ARod will be 37 next month.  Just something to chew on as I believe in general people will trend like this more so than huge drops offs or similar to a roller coaster going down hill with some ups and downs but the trend is down.  This trend is linear.
The standings on the right have us 3 games in front now!

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