Predictions - Please see April Archives

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Genius Maker 6-26

The Yankees were pretty fortunate in this game as they got a lot of cheap hits off of Masterson and even got something I am not sure I have seen; an out called on a fly ball that the player didn't have the ball at the end of the play.  The Yanks were winning 5 or 6 nothing at the time and Wise made a nice effort on a fly ball down the LF line and Wise went into the crowd.  The ball went off his glove as he was flipping into the stands and the ball rolled to a guy about 10 feet away.  When Wise came out the ump just called him out without even looking for the ball.  This same ump made a big call on a ball hit by Stewart that I thought was foul when touched, but there was no good angle to tell (so he might have been right).  Either way, every break went our way until Cory Wade came on and allowed 4 runs in the 9th getting only 2 outs (Damon did get a bloop hit himself).  Wade has been bad of late and I think he needs to throw his change a lot more, but he is not getting the job done. Wade works backward and that is how he is successful.  Ever since he hung that one change for the losing HR they have not used it enough.  Wade threw 14 fastballs (one for the HR and one for the double), 5 curves and only TWO changeups last night. 

Hughes pitched really well and shut out the weak Cleveland lineup for 8 innings.  His biggest issue was fielding as he is in a terrible fielding position when he is complete and he missed two very catchable balls.

ARod hit a bomb on fastball down and in.

Tex turned a nice 3-6-3 DP

We are now 4 games up!

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